Real estate capital

Following the money: Where is real estate capital coming from?

The past few years of pandemic recovery, rising inflation and interest rates, and legislative changes have created tremendous shifts and challenging obstacles within the real estate industry. As economic uncertainty applies pressure to sources of traditional capital, the industry is…
energy efficient tax incentives

Maximize Your Tax Savings with the Inflation Reduction Act: An Insightful Guide for Real Estate Owners and Developers

Written by: Mark Ravera, CPA In the ever-evolving landscape of real estate tax incentives, staying informed is not just smart – it’s essential. The Inflation Reduction Act is a game-changer allowing real estate owners and developers to enjoy lucrative tax…
Research and Experimental

Easing The Pain of Research & Experimental (R&E) Expenditure Capitalization

The new Section 174 rules require taxpayers to capitalize and amortize R&E costs incurred in taxable years beginning on or after Jan. 1, 2022. Amortization is calculated using a straight‐line recovery period of either five years for costs incurred in…
FBAR compliance

Navigating FBAR Compliance: Supreme Court Issues Decision on FBAR Penalties

Written by: David Cooper, CPA The finance and tax law world can be complex, especially when dealing with matters of foreign financial accounts. One area that frequently raises questions is the Foreign Bank Account Report (FBAR), which is a critical…
Research and development changes

What businesses need to know about the recent Research and Development changes

Written by: Leah Belanger, CPA, MSA The world of tax law is constantly shifting, creating challenges and opportunities for businesses. One recent change that has generated considerable confusion and debate involves alterations to tax incentives for Research and Development (R&D)…
Costs and Benefits of the Inflation Reduction Act for Real Estate & Construction

Costs and Benefits of the Inflation Reduction Act for Real Estate & Construction

The Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA’s) expansion of key energy efficiency tax incentives – such as the 179D energy efficient commercial buildings deduction and the 45L new energy efficient home credit – is anticipated to have a significant impact on real estate and construction industry.…